A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a planet called Earth. On this planet full of water and green prickly things, there was a very strange race of creatures indeed, called people. They were rather primitive at first but soon began to develop.
They dreamed of flying among the stars. Then there came a group of people, headed by two humans with weird names, named Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. Together, they created a saga of movies so epic, so legendary, that they redefined the entire world as it was known.
This six-movie saga was known as Star Wars, and it was deemed one of the most historic and popular science fiction movies in the galaxy. Far away, green people on Mars were probably watching it too, and realizing just how amazing the universe was. It was THAT good.
Star-Wars Themed Bikes
It was so good that it gave rise to people creating BICYCLES with a Star Wars theme. For example, here are ten amazing Star Wars-themed bikes!

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The Star Wars saga gave rise to one of the biggest fan-created universes in the world. Never before had there been fan fiction of this magnitude. The fans of the movies had so many original ideas and stories about the galaxy and the reality that the Star Wars movies had created that it was almost real.
In fact, it was so hugely popular, that the creators of the movies decided to add a 7th installment to the series, with a new trilogy also scheduled to be created. This new movie would add some of the characters from the fan-made universe. A move like this had no precedent before this, and it was making history.
In celebration of this, and as a tribute to the epic movie saga, there is a lot of merchandise made for Star Wars floating around this sector of the Milky Way. Both fan-made and official merchandise are extremely popular in the world today, and it is a wonder indeed that everyone isn’t going as Kylo Ren for Halloween this week.
Cyclists are actually no different from the rest of the fans of Star Wars. We have constantly come up with new ways to personalize our bikes. We have proved this time and time again, especially with our innovative Halloween costumes.
When it comes to Star Wars, a large number of people have created bikes as tribute to the epic movies. Some of these are absolutely gorgeous. In fact, there are even events to showcase the talent behind these bikes.
Some epic examples of these bikes include:
This costume is a 22-foot version of the dreaded ship. You will obviously need more than one person to ride with the costume on top. It is best done with separate bikes ridden in formation. It made its appearance at a Star Wars vs. Star Trek event in Portland, Oregon.
It also made an appearance at the Star Wars vs. Star Trek event in Portland, Oregon. Ridden by 2 people, it isn’t nearly as clumsy as it is in the movies, where it could easily be tripped up by tying its legs together. Thankfully the creators decided to leave out the laser blasters.
He is also famous for being the person who brought the carbon-frozen Han Solo back to the thug Jabba the Hutt. Well, this concept bike totally captures this moment, with Boba Fett riding the bike with the frozen statue of Han in the bike trailer. This definitely will require a lot of work.
This bike, featured in the Red Bull Soapbox race in Cincinnati, Ohio, was the ultimate Imperial fighter pilot’s dream. It used the TIE fighter wings on the sides of the handlebars to give a true Star Wars experience to the rider.
It can also handle 2 proton torpedos. The large size of the X wing means that a scale-sized costume it would need more than one rider. This is why the tandem X wing is such a hit for Halloween. Together with family or friends, a tandem bike is outfitted as the X wing, with the rider in the back dressed as an astromech droid for added realistic features.
There are 2 more Star Wars bikes too, but you can see those in the infographic because they are caught up right now in an epic intergalactic and interdimensional battle! 2 spies from the Star Trek universe have been discovered in this one, and they need to be dealt with. BaR2D2 and the X-34 Landspeeder have been dispatched to go destroy them before they do any harm!
BaR2D2 is on a mission right now, to find the alleged spies from the Star Trek Universe and to bring them to justice! Say goodbye to this droid bike from the Krewe of Chewbacchus, until it makes its triumphant return.
As long as there are Banthas to chase, though, your kid can keep rocketing on (this wonderful costume is intended to be a birthday gift).
This single-person bicycle is perfect for someone who wants to crash a Star Wars cosplay party, and probably get pelted with tomatoes to boot. They are aiming to go where no man dressed as a Star Trek character has gone before, after all.
With the bridge raised as in the movies, and the ion engines working at full blast, this sneaky little Hutt went on to win the Red Bull Soapbox Race in London, UK, while being ridden by that trekkie scum, Rob Wixey.
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