Discover the Best Bike Trails in Maine
Explore the finest bike trails across Maine. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, there’s something for everyone!
Bike Trails by Difficulty
Easy Difficulty
Pine Street Woods, Sherwood Forest, Pipeline Trail, and Bier Bridge Loop
5 km | Easy | Springvale
Kortum Trail
4 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
West Access to Bullit Gorge Trail
2.6 km | Easy | Negutaquet Conservation Area
Indian, Far Country, and Deceiver Trail
3.5 km | Easy | Perkinstown Wildlife Commons
Henry Sever Red Trail
3.2 km | Easy | Remick Preserve
Pleasant Valley Interpretive Trail
2.9 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
English Falls [CLOSED]
3.5 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
Hey Joe Canyon
2.4 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
Lake Poway and Fisherman Trail Loop
1.6 km | Easy | Kenyon Hill Preserve
Adventure, Poo-Poo Point, and West Tiger Trails Loop
3.9 km | Easy | Marginal Way Walkway
Hawk and Sunset Trail Loop
3.4 km | Easy | Fort Foster Park
Baileywick Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Goodwin Forest
Canyon Creek
6.6 km | Easy | Kennebunk Plains Wildlife Management Area
Middle Canyon South Meadow Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Alfred
Molen Reef Petroglyphs and Dinosaur Tracks
2.4 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Summerset Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Norton Preserve
San Rafael Knob
2.9 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Oak Oasis Open Space Preserve
1.1 km | Easy | McFeely Preserve
Gunstage Trail
11.6 km | Easy | York Water District
Upper Dark Trail
4 km | Easy | Springvale
Exclamation Point
1.6 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
Boulder Loop, Cougar Ridge, Hidden Spring, and Jack Creek Meadow Loop
1.1 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
Chasm View Nature Trail
1 km | Easy | Beaver Dam Heath
Rochester Panel Rock Art Site
2.7 km | Easy | Ghost Meadow Wildlife Commons
SB6K, South Beyond 6000 and Roan Highlands
2.3 km | Easy | Brave Boat Headwaters Preserve
Lindo Lake Loop
5.8 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Moqui Hut Trail
3.2 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Mahogany North Peak to Grove Creek Canyon
3.2 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
Bill Klingner Trail
2.6 km | Easy | Kittery Town Forest
Grantsville Reservoir Loop
3.2 km | Easy | Shaker Woods Reserve
Piney Mountain via Hollow Rock Park
2.7 km | Easy | Steedman Woods
Castle Ford Rd to Mill Creek via New River Railroad Grade Rd
2.4 km | Easy | Remick Preserve
Stansbury Front Trail (Full Trail)
1.9 km | Easy | Sanford
San Bernardino Peak Trail via Angelus Oaks
8.2 km | Easy | York Water District
Thorp Mountain via Knox Creek and Kachess Ridge Trails
1.6 km | Easy | Tatnic Woods Preserve
Bear Ridge Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Grover-Herrick Conservation Area
Redgap Pass Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Douglas Memorial Woods
Upper Middle Canyon Loop
15 km | Easy | Springvale
Camp Sacajawea Loop
2.9 km | Easy | Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge
Chasm View South Rim Lookout Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
Sunshine Mountain East Ridge
2.9 km | Easy | Maple Street Conservation Area and Town Forest
Massacre Canyon Falls: Wash Trail [CLOSED]
1.3 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Pott’s Branch Trail
2.3 km | Easy | Steedman Woods
Poo Poo Point Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
Caribou Lake
1 km | Easy | Wells
Stanley Peak via Creek Crossing Trail
5.3 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Durham Division East Trails
2.3 km | Easy | Smelt Brook Preserve
Highland, Cedar Hills Loop
1.3 km | Easy | Alfred
Wildwood Canyon and Central Ridge Loop
3.2 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Enchanted Lake Loop
5 km | Easy | Parsonsfield
Lizard Head and Cross Mountain Loop from Lizard Head Pass
5.1 km | Easy | Orris Falls Conservation Area
Cross Mountain Trail
1.8 km | Easy | Maple Street Conservation Area and Town Forest
Devils Canyon Trail
1.6 km | Easy | Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge
Cascade Springs Waterfall
1.6 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
Lake Crabtree Trail
5.5 km | Easy | York Water District
Oak Tree to McCullough Loop
3.1 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
French Cabin Creek
2.4 km | Easy | North Berwick
Park Pointe Loop
1.4 km | Easy | Richard E. Payeur Preserve
Poop Out Trail
4.3 km | Easy | Orris Falls Conservation Area
Last Dollar OHV Route
4.3 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
Land of Lakes Trail
5.6 km | Easy | Rocky Hills Preserve
Painted Wall View Trail
1.8 km | Easy | Newichawannock Woods
McVay- Summerset Trail
6.9 km | Easy | York Water District
E. Carroll Joyner Park Trails
6 km | Easy | York Water District
Big Tree Ridge, Surprise Creek, Shangri La, and Military Ridge Loop
1.3 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
Sharps Mountain
1.1 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
Woods Lake via Wilson Mesa Trail
3.5 km | Easy | Rocky Hills Preserve
Elk Lake via Thomas Lake Trail
6.4 km | Easy | Norton Preserve
Crooked Tree Loop
4.2 km | Easy | Sousa Family Preserve
Stephens State Forest Area Trails
3.7 km | Easy | Highland Farm Preserve
Thomas Mitchell DeVotie and Pond Trail
1.6 km | Easy | Hartley Mason Reservation
Dege Peak and Frozen Lake via Sourdough Ridge Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Tilton Homestead Wildlife Commons
Big Tree Ridge, Red Cedars, Precipice Top, and Military Ridge Loop
1.1 km | Easy | Beach Plum Farm Preserve
Eagle Mountain Lake Loop
0.5 km | Easy | Fort McClary State Park
Yellow Banks Backpacker Trail
7.1 km | Easy | York Water District
Stanley Peak via Sage Trail
3.2 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
Lybrook Fairyland
1.9 km | Easy | Keay Brook Preserve
Wave and Eagle Road Loop
1.4 km | Easy | Raymond and Simone Savage Wildlife Preserve
Piegan Pass Trail
1.3 km | Easy | Near Point Preserve
Lake Cheston to Otey Point
0.3 km | Easy | Fairchild Easement
White Pine Canyon Trail
7.7 km | Easy | Springvale
Stanley Peak via Boulder, Cougar Ridge, Jack Creek, and Sage Loop
2.6 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
Tradition Plateau Loop
4.8 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
El Cajon Mountain Trail
5.5 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Zo-El Annett Woods
5.8 km | Easy | Fuller Forest Preserve
Fool Creek Peak
2.9 km | Easy | Kennebunk Plains Wildlife Management Area
Beckwith Point Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Seapoint Preserve
S.O.B. Draw
3.5 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
Kosciusko Park Walk
2.3 km | Easy | Salmon Falls Reserve
Sycamore / Company Mill Combined Loop
2.3 km | Easy | Highland Farm Preserve
Section Line, Nook and Bus Trail
5.5 km | Easy | Ogunquit
Left Hand Fork Trail Loop
3.9 km | Easy | Wells
Adventure and High School Trail Loop
3.2 km | Easy | Ogunquit
Kortum Trail: Wright’s Beach
1.3 km | Easy | Wells
Depot South Loop
2.1 km | Easy | Pineland Farms Trails
Red Town and Wildside Trails
1.6 km | Easy | Tatnic Hills Preserve
Witch Hole Connector
1.9 km | Easy |
Witch Hole Pond
5.6 km | Easy |
Paradise Hill
1.8 km | Easy |
Jacob City Loop
5 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
Sunny Breeze
1.5 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
Eastern Trail: Kennebunk to Biddeford
9.8 km | Easy |
Moose Bog Loop
2 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
Snail Trail
0.6 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
Narrow Gauge Trail
8.5 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
Rt 27 Connector
1.1 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
The Broken Road
5.9 km | Easy | Roaring Brook, Katahdin Lake, Katahdin
Barnard Mountain Road
4.3 km | Easy | Roaring Brook, Katahdin Lake, Katahdin
Community Access Trail System (CATS)
9.3 km | Easy |
Orin Falls Road
4.2 km | Easy |
Moderate Difficulty
Morton Ridge Trail
10.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Brown Burton Winchester and Speakman Park
2.9 km | Moderate | West Newfield
Lake View, Den, Valley View and Red Tail Trail
11.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Leech Lake to Tacoma Pass
4.7 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Woods Valley Ridge
5.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Pigtail Peak via White Pass
11.9 km | Moderate | York Water District
Wildwood Canyon Loop
9.8 km | Moderate | York Water District
Goat Island Mountain
3.9 km | Moderate | Bauneg Beg Mountain Conservation Area
Goshorn Trail Loop
4.2 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Zanja Peak Trail
3.4 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Lake Lynn Trail
14.5 km | Moderate | York Water District
San Vicente Creek Trail
8.5 km | Moderate | York Water District
Shellrock Lake via Cramer Lake Trail
8.7 km | Moderate | York Water District
Cinega Trail to Woodward Ridge Trail
2.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Bogart Park Trail
2.7 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Blind Beach to Wrights Beach via Kortum Trail
4.3 km | Moderate | Springvale Park
Shoreline, Peninsula Point, Peninsula Trails Loop
10.9 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Loch Leven to Angelus Oaks
10.5 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Sneffels Traverse: North Pole Hut to Blue Lakes Hut
8.5 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Forest Road 1284 Snowshoe Route to Sand Lake Trailhead
10.5 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Intermediate Difficulty
Hayfield (Red Blaze)
1.3 km | Intermediate | Blackstrap Hill Preserve
Saint Nick
0.6 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Sams Club Loop
0.7 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Shoot 2 Quill
0.3 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Lanzo Trail
1 km | Intermediate |
Twisty Turny
1.9 km | Intermediate |
Access Trail
0.7 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Secret Lover
0.3 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Sons of Yesterday
0.6 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Essex Woods Fat Bike Race Course
5.9 km | Intermediate | Essex Woods
1.2 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
Sons of Yesterday Access
0.7 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Moody Blues
1.4 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
White Flag
0.3 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
0.6 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
Ladies 1st Trail
0.8 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Dumbo’s Dilemma
0.4 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
0.6 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
Cromits Overlook
4 km | Intermediate | Bigelow Preserve
Oak Knoll Ride
12.5 km | Intermediate |
Twitch Trail
0.5 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Moose River Outpost Singletrack Trail
1.5 km | Intermediate |
River Trail (Blue Blazes)
2.5 km | Intermediate | Blackstrap Hill Preserve
Presumpscot River Trail 2
8.7 km | Intermediate | Oak Nuts Park
Newton’s Revenge
2.7 km | Intermediate |
Bo’s Run
2 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Bracken Way
0.5 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
9 to 5 Trail
0.7 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Dumbo’s Dilemma
0.6 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Poplar Access
0.6 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Katahdin Loop Road
28.9 km | Intermediate |
Katahdin Loop Expanded
32 km | Intermediate |
First Tracks
0.3 km | Intermediate | Sugarloaf
Sea Fury Loop Trail
6.8 km | Intermediate |
Low Land Trail
1 km | Intermediate | Sugarloaf
Bridge to Nowhere
0.1 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Homeward Climb Trail
7.1 km | Intermediate |
Idaho Lake and Knife Edge Trail
1 km | Intermediate |
Four Corners Trail
3.9 km | Intermediate |
Big Bacon
4.6 km | Intermediate |
H.I. Trail
5.8 km | Intermediate |
0.6 km | Intermediate |
Easy/Intermediate Difficulty
Down East Sunrise Trail (DEST)
147 km | Easy/Intermediate |
Uphill Trail
1.5 km | Easy/Intermediate |
Eastern Trail: Saco to Scarborough
17.4 km | Easy/Intermediate |
Difficult Difficulty
CBCC – 100 K Course
103.8 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
Gold Digger
0.6 km | Difficult | Weeks Road Parcel
100 Acre Wood Trail
2.8 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Carrabassett Backcountry Cycle Challenge
51.3 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
Dumbo’s Solution
0.3 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
1 km | Difficult |
Bob’s Bruiser
0.4 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
1.2 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
Bob’s Backyard Boogie
0.6 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
Upper Shore Trail
0.5 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Al Kimball Alleyway (AKA Trail)
0.7 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
5. Tempest Trail
1.4 km | Difficult |
4. Pitch Pole Trail
1.1 km | Difficult |
12. Spanker Trail
1.2 km | Difficult |
Intermediate/Difficult Difficulty
Oak Knoll
3.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
West Side Trail
7.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
Long Way Home Trail
4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Wild Kingdom Trail
1.1 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
39 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
Shore Trail
0.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Fore River Sanctuary Trail – Jewell Falls
2.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
11. Dreadnought Trail
0.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
Robinson Woods Trail
2.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
Very Difficult Difficulty
North Trail
0.9 km | Very Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Uncle Buzz
0.4 km | Very Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Longest Bike Trails
5 Trail Length
Pine Street Woods, Sherwood Forest, Pipeline Trail, and Bier Bridge Loop
5 km | Easy | Springvale
Enchanted Lake Loop
5 km | Easy | Parsonsfield
Jacob City Loop
5 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
4 Trail Length
Kortum Trail
4 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Upper Dark Trail
4 km | Easy | Springvale
Cromits Overlook
4 km | Intermediate | Bigelow Preserve
Long Way Home Trail
4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
2.6 Trail Length
West Access to Bullit Gorge Trail
2.6 km | Easy | Negutaquet Conservation Area
Bill Klingner Trail
2.6 km | Easy | Kittery Town Forest
Stanley Peak via Boulder, Cougar Ridge, Jack Creek, and Sage Loop
2.6 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
3.5 Trail Length
Indian, Far Country, and Deceiver Trail
3.5 km | Easy | Perkinstown Wildlife Commons
English Falls [CLOSED]
3.5 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
Woods Lake via Wilson Mesa Trail
3.5 km | Easy | Rocky Hills Preserve
S.O.B. Draw
3.5 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
3.2 Trail Length
Henry Sever Red Trail
3.2 km | Easy | Remick Preserve
Moqui Hut Trail
3.2 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Mahogany North Peak to Grove Creek Canyon
3.2 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
Grantsville Reservoir Loop
3.2 km | Easy | Shaker Woods Reserve
Wildwood Canyon and Central Ridge Loop
3.2 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Stanley Peak via Sage Trail
3.2 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
Adventure and High School Trail Loop
3.2 km | Easy | Ogunquit
2.9 Trail Length
Pleasant Valley Interpretive Trail
2.9 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
San Rafael Knob
2.9 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Brown Burton Winchester and Speakman Park
2.9 km | Moderate | West Newfield
Camp Sacajawea Loop
2.9 km | Easy | Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge
Sunshine Mountain East Ridge
2.9 km | Easy | Maple Street Conservation Area and Town Forest
Fool Creek Peak
2.9 km | Easy | Kennebunk Plains Wildlife Management Area
10.3 Trail Length
Morton Ridge Trail
10.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
2.4 Trail Length
Hey Joe Canyon
2.4 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
Molen Reef Petroglyphs and Dinosaur Tracks
2.4 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Castle Ford Rd to Mill Creek via New River Railroad Grade Rd
2.4 km | Easy | Remick Preserve
French Cabin Creek
2.4 km | Easy | North Berwick
Robinson Woods Trail
2.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
1.6 Trail Length
Lake Poway and Fisherman Trail Loop
1.6 km | Easy | Kenyon Hill Preserve
Exclamation Point
1.6 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
Thorp Mountain via Knox Creek and Kachess Ridge Trails
1.6 km | Easy | Tatnic Woods Preserve
Devils Canyon Trail
1.6 km | Easy | Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge
Cascade Springs Waterfall
1.6 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
Thomas Mitchell DeVotie and Pond Trail
1.6 km | Easy | Hartley Mason Reservation
Red Town and Wildside Trails
1.6 km | Easy | Tatnic Hills Preserve
3.9 Trail Length
Adventure, Poo-Poo Point, and West Tiger Trails Loop
3.9 km | Easy | Marginal Way Walkway
Goat Island Mountain
3.9 km | Moderate | Bauneg Beg Mountain Conservation Area
Left Hand Fork Trail Loop
3.9 km | Easy | Wells
Oak Knoll
3.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
Four Corners Trail
3.9 km | Intermediate |
3.4 Trail Length
Hawk and Sunset Trail Loop
3.4 km | Easy | Fort Foster Park
Zanja Peak Trail
3.4 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
1.9 Trail Length
Baileywick Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Goodwin Forest
Summerset Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Norton Preserve
Stansbury Front Trail (Full Trail)
1.9 km | Easy | Sanford
Chasm View South Rim Lookout Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
Poo Poo Point Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
Lybrook Fairyland
1.9 km | Easy | Keay Brook Preserve
Witch Hole Connector
1.9 km | Easy |
Twisty Turny
1.9 km | Intermediate |
6.6 Trail Length
Canyon Creek
6.6 km | Easy | Kennebunk Plains Wildlife Management Area
1.4 Trail Length
Middle Canyon South Meadow Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Alfred
Bear Ridge Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Grover-Herrick Conservation Area
Redgap Pass Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Douglas Memorial Woods
Park Pointe Loop
1.4 km | Easy | Richard E. Payeur Preserve
Dege Peak and Frozen Lake via Sourdough Ridge Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Tilton Homestead Wildlife Commons
Wave and Eagle Road Loop
1.4 km | Easy | Raymond and Simone Savage Wildlife Preserve
Beckwith Point Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Seapoint Preserve
Moody Blues
1.4 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
5. Tempest Trail
1.4 km | Difficult |
1.1 Trail Length
Oak Oasis Open Space Preserve
1.1 km | Easy | McFeely Preserve
Boulder Loop, Cougar Ridge, Hidden Spring, and Jack Creek Meadow Loop
1.1 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
Sharps Mountain
1.1 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
Big Tree Ridge, Red Cedars, Precipice Top, and Military Ridge Loop
1.1 km | Easy | Beach Plum Farm Preserve
Wild Kingdom Trail
1.1 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Rt 27 Connector
1.1 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
4. Pitch Pole Trail
1.1 km | Difficult |
11.6 Trail Length
Gunstage Trail
11.6 km | Easy | York Water District
1 Trail Length
Chasm View Nature Trail
1 km | Easy | Beaver Dam Heath
Caribou Lake
1 km | Easy | Wells
Lanzo Trail
1 km | Intermediate |
1 km | Difficult |
Low Land Trail
1 km | Intermediate | Sugarloaf
Idaho Lake and Knife Edge Trail
1 km | Intermediate |
2.7 Trail Length
Rochester Panel Rock Art Site
2.7 km | Easy | Ghost Meadow Wildlife Commons
Piney Mountain via Hollow Rock Park
2.7 km | Easy | Steedman Woods
Bogart Park Trail
2.7 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Newton’s Revenge
2.7 km | Intermediate |
2.3 Trail Length
SB6K, South Beyond 6000 and Roan Highlands
2.3 km | Easy | Brave Boat Headwaters Preserve
Pott’s Branch Trail
2.3 km | Easy | Steedman Woods
Cinega Trail to Woodward Ridge Trail
2.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Durham Division East Trails
2.3 km | Easy | Smelt Brook Preserve
Kosciusko Park Walk
2.3 km | Easy | Salmon Falls Reserve
Sycamore / Company Mill Combined Loop
2.3 km | Easy | Highland Farm Preserve
5.8 Trail Length
Lindo Lake Loop
5.8 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Zo-El Annett Woods
5.8 km | Easy | Fuller Forest Preserve
H.I. Trail
5.8 km | Intermediate |
11.3 Trail Length
Lake View, Den, Valley View and Red Tail Trail
11.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
4.7 Trail Length
Leech Lake to Tacoma Pass
4.7 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
5.3 Trail Length
Woods Valley Ridge
5.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Stanley Peak via Creek Crossing Trail
5.3 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
11.9 Trail Length
Pigtail Peak via White Pass
11.9 km | Moderate | York Water District
9.8 Trail Length
Wildwood Canyon Loop
9.8 km | Moderate | York Water District
Eastern Trail: Kennebunk to Biddeford
9.8 km | Easy |
8.2 Trail Length
San Bernardino Peak Trail via Angelus Oaks
8.2 km | Easy | York Water District
4.2 Trail Length
Goshorn Trail Loop
4.2 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Crooked Tree Loop
4.2 km | Easy | Sousa Family Preserve
Orin Falls Road
4.2 km | Easy |
15 Trail Length
Upper Middle Canyon Loop
15 km | Easy | Springvale
14.5 Trail Length
Lake Lynn Trail
14.5 km | Moderate | York Water District
1.3 Trail Length
Massacre Canyon Falls: Wash Trail [CLOSED]
1.3 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Highland, Cedar Hills Loop
1.3 km | Easy | Alfred
Big Tree Ridge, Surprise Creek, Shangri La, and Military Ridge Loop
1.3 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
Piegan Pass Trail
1.3 km | Easy | Near Point Preserve
Kortum Trail: Wright’s Beach
1.3 km | Easy | Wells
Hayfield (Red Blaze)
1.3 km | Intermediate | Blackstrap Hill Preserve
8.5 Trail Length
San Vicente Creek Trail
8.5 km | Moderate | York Water District
Sneffels Traverse: North Pole Hut to Blue Lakes Hut
8.5 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Narrow Gauge Trail
8.5 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
8.7 Trail Length
Shellrock Lake via Cramer Lake Trail
8.7 km | Moderate | York Water District
Presumpscot River Trail 2
8.7 km | Intermediate | Oak Nuts Park
5.1 Trail Length
Lizard Head and Cross Mountain Loop from Lizard Head Pass
5.1 km | Easy | Orris Falls Conservation Area
1.8 Trail Length
Cross Mountain Trail
1.8 km | Easy | Maple Street Conservation Area and Town Forest
Painted Wall View Trail
1.8 km | Easy | Newichawannock Woods
Paradise Hill
1.8 km | Easy |
5.5 Trail Length
Lake Crabtree Trail
5.5 km | Easy | York Water District
El Cajon Mountain Trail
5.5 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Section Line, Nook and Bus Trail
5.5 km | Easy | Ogunquit
3.1 Trail Length
Oak Tree to McCullough Loop
3.1 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
4.3 Trail Length
Poop Out Trail
4.3 km | Easy | Orris Falls Conservation Area
Last Dollar OHV Route
4.3 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
Blind Beach to Wrights Beach via Kortum Trail
4.3 km | Moderate | Springvale Park
Barnard Mountain Road
4.3 km | Easy | Roaring Brook, Katahdin Lake, Katahdin
5.6 Trail Length
Land of Lakes Trail
5.6 km | Easy | Rocky Hills Preserve
Witch Hole Pond
5.6 km | Easy |
6.9 Trail Length
McVay- Summerset Trail
6.9 km | Easy | York Water District
6 Trail Length
E. Carroll Joyner Park Trails
6 km | Easy | York Water District
6.4 Trail Length
Elk Lake via Thomas Lake Trail
6.4 km | Easy | Norton Preserve
3.7 Trail Length
Stephens State Forest Area Trails
3.7 km | Easy | Highland Farm Preserve
0.5 Trail Length
Eagle Mountain Lake Loop
0.5 km | Easy | Fort McClary State Park
Twitch Trail
0.5 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Bracken Way
0.5 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Upper Shore Trail
0.5 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
7.1 Trail Length
Yellow Banks Backpacker Trail
7.1 km | Easy | York Water District
Homeward Climb Trail
7.1 km | Intermediate |
0.3 Trail Length
Lake Cheston to Otey Point
0.3 km | Easy | Fairchild Easement
Shoot 2 Quill
0.3 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Secret Lover
0.3 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
White Flag
0.3 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
Dumbo’s Solution
0.3 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
First Tracks
0.3 km | Intermediate | Sugarloaf
7.7 Trail Length
White Pine Canyon Trail
7.7 km | Easy | Springvale
4.8 Trail Length
Tradition Plateau Loop
4.8 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
10.9 Trail Length
Shoreline, Peninsula Point, Peninsula Trails Loop
10.9 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
10.5 Trail Length
Loch Leven to Angelus Oaks
10.5 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Forest Road 1284 Snowshoe Route to Sand Lake Trailhead
10.5 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
2.1 Trail Length
Depot South Loop
2.1 km | Easy | Pineland Farms Trails
0.6 Trail Length
Saint Nick
0.6 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Sons of Yesterday
0.6 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
0.6 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
Gold Digger
0.6 km | Difficult | Weeks Road Parcel
0.6 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
Dumbo’s Dilemma
0.6 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Poplar Access
0.6 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Bob’s Backyard Boogie
0.6 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
Snail Trail
0.6 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
0.6 km | Intermediate |
147 Trail Length
Down East Sunrise Trail (DEST)
147 km | Easy/Intermediate |
0.7 Trail Length
Sams Club Loop
0.7 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Access Trail
0.7 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Sons of Yesterday Access
0.7 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
9 to 5 Trail
0.7 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Al Kimball Alleyway (AKA Trail)
0.7 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
5.9 Trail Length
Essex Woods Fat Bike Race Course
5.9 km | Intermediate | Essex Woods
The Broken Road
5.9 km | Easy | Roaring Brook, Katahdin Lake, Katahdin
1.2 Trail Length
1.2 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
1.2 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
12. Spanker Trail
1.2 km | Difficult |
103.8 Trail Length
CBCC – 100 K Course
103.8 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
2.8 Trail Length
100 Acre Wood Trail
2.8 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
0.8 Trail Length
Ladies 1st Trail
0.8 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
51.3 Trail Length
Carrabassett Backcountry Cycle Challenge
51.3 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
0.4 Trail Length
Dumbo’s Dilemma
0.4 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Uncle Buzz
0.4 km | Very Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Bob’s Bruiser
0.4 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
12.5 Trail Length
Oak Knoll Ride
12.5 km | Intermediate |
1.5 Trail Length
Moose River Outpost Singletrack Trail
1.5 km | Intermediate |
Sunny Breeze
1.5 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
Uphill Trail
1.5 km | Easy/Intermediate |
2.5 Trail Length
River Trail (Blue Blazes)
2.5 km | Intermediate | Blackstrap Hill Preserve
Fore River Sanctuary Trail – Jewell Falls
2.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
7.9 Trail Length
West Side Trail
7.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
0.9 Trail Length
North Trail
0.9 km | Very Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Shore Trail
0.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
11. Dreadnought Trail
0.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
2 Trail Length
Bo’s Run
2 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Moose Bog Loop
2 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
28.9 Trail Length
Katahdin Loop Road
28.9 km | Intermediate |
39 Trail Length
39 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
32 Trail Length
Katahdin Loop Expanded
32 km | Intermediate |
6.8 Trail Length
Sea Fury Loop Trail
6.8 km | Intermediate |
0.1 Trail Length
Bridge to Nowhere
0.1 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
9.3 Trail Length
Community Access Trail System (CATS)
9.3 km | Easy |
17.4 Trail Length
Eastern Trail: Saco to Scarborough
17.4 km | Easy/Intermediate |
4.6 Trail Length
Big Bacon
4.6 km | Intermediate |
Bike Trails by Location
Springvale Place
Pine Street Woods, Sherwood Forest, Pipeline Trail, and Bier Bridge Loop
5 km | Easy | Springvale
Upper Dark Trail
4 km | Easy | Springvale
Upper Middle Canyon Loop
15 km | Easy | Springvale
White Pine Canyon Trail
7.7 km | Easy | Springvale
The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve Place
Kortum Trail
4 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Molen Reef Petroglyphs and Dinosaur Tracks
2.4 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
San Rafael Knob
2.9 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Moqui Hut Trail
3.2 km | Easy | The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Negutaquet Conservation Area Place
West Access to Bullit Gorge Trail
2.6 km | Easy | Negutaquet Conservation Area
Perkinstown Wildlife Commons Place
Indian, Far Country, and Deceiver Trail
3.5 km | Easy | Perkinstown Wildlife Commons
Remick Preserve Place
Henry Sever Red Trail
3.2 km | Easy | Remick Preserve
Castle Ford Rd to Mill Creek via New River Railroad Grade Rd
2.4 km | Easy | Remick Preserve
Hilton-Winn Preserve Place
Pleasant Valley Interpretive Trail
2.9 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
Hey Joe Canyon
2.4 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
Poo Poo Point Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
Big Tree Ridge, Surprise Creek, Shangri La, and Military Ridge Loop
1.3 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
Tradition Plateau Loop
4.8 km | Easy | Hilton-Winn Preserve
Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region Place
Morton Ridge Trail
10.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Lindo Lake Loop
5.8 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Lake View, Den, Valley View and Red Tail Trail
11.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Leech Lake to Tacoma Pass
4.7 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Woods Valley Ridge
5.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Goshorn Trail Loop
4.2 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Zanja Peak Trail
3.4 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Massacre Canyon Falls: Wash Trail [CLOSED]
1.3 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Cinega Trail to Woodward Ridge Trail
2.3 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Stanley Peak via Creek Crossing Trail
5.3 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Wildwood Canyon and Central Ridge Loop
3.2 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Bogart Park Trail
2.7 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Oak Tree to McCullough Loop
3.1 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
El Cajon Mountain Trail
5.5 km | Easy | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Shoreline, Peninsula Point, Peninsula Trails Loop
10.9 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Loch Leven to Angelus Oaks
10.5 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Sneffels Traverse: North Pole Hut to Blue Lakes Hut
8.5 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Forest Road 1284 Snowshoe Route to Sand Lake Trailhead
10.5 km | Moderate | Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region
Desrochers Memorial Forest Place
English Falls [CLOSED]
3.5 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
Exclamation Point
1.6 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
Chasm View South Rim Lookout Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
S.O.B. Draw
3.5 km | Easy | Desrochers Memorial Forest
Kenyon Hill Preserve Place
Lake Poway and Fisherman Trail Loop
1.6 km | Easy | Kenyon Hill Preserve
Marginal Way Walkway Place
Adventure, Poo-Poo Point, and West Tiger Trails Loop
3.9 km | Easy | Marginal Way Walkway
Fort Foster Park Place
Hawk and Sunset Trail Loop
3.4 km | Easy | Fort Foster Park
Goodwin Forest Place
Baileywick Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Goodwin Forest
Kennebunk Plains Wildlife Management Area Place
Canyon Creek
6.6 km | Easy | Kennebunk Plains Wildlife Management Area
Fool Creek Peak
2.9 km | Easy | Kennebunk Plains Wildlife Management Area
Alfred Place
Middle Canyon South Meadow Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Alfred
Highland, Cedar Hills Loop
1.3 km | Easy | Alfred
Norton Preserve Place
Summerset Trail
1.9 km | Easy | Norton Preserve
Elk Lake via Thomas Lake Trail
6.4 km | Easy | Norton Preserve
McFeely Preserve Place
Oak Oasis Open Space Preserve
1.1 km | Easy | McFeely Preserve
York Water District Place
Gunstage Trail
11.6 km | Easy | York Water District
Pigtail Peak via White Pass
11.9 km | Moderate | York Water District
Wildwood Canyon Loop
9.8 km | Moderate | York Water District
San Bernardino Peak Trail via Angelus Oaks
8.2 km | Easy | York Water District
Lake Lynn Trail
14.5 km | Moderate | York Water District
San Vicente Creek Trail
8.5 km | Moderate | York Water District
Shellrock Lake via Cramer Lake Trail
8.7 km | Moderate | York Water District
Lake Crabtree Trail
5.5 km | Easy | York Water District
McVay- Summerset Trail
6.9 km | Easy | York Water District
E. Carroll Joyner Park Trails
6 km | Easy | York Water District
Yellow Banks Backpacker Trail
7.1 km | Easy | York Water District
Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park Place
Boulder Loop, Cougar Ridge, Hidden Spring, and Jack Creek Meadow Loop
1.1 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
Last Dollar OHV Route
4.3 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
Stanley Peak via Sage Trail
3.2 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
Stanley Peak via Boulder, Cougar Ridge, Jack Creek, and Sage Loop
2.6 km | Easy | Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park
Beaver Dam Heath Place
Chasm View Nature Trail
1 km | Easy | Beaver Dam Heath
West Newfield Place
Brown Burton Winchester and Speakman Park
2.9 km | Moderate | West Newfield
Ghost Meadow Wildlife Commons Place
Rochester Panel Rock Art Site
2.7 km | Easy | Ghost Meadow Wildlife Commons
Brave Boat Headwaters Preserve Place
SB6K, South Beyond 6000 and Roan Highlands
2.3 km | Easy | Brave Boat Headwaters Preserve
Massabesic Experimental Forest Place
Mahogany North Peak to Grove Creek Canyon
3.2 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
Cascade Springs Waterfall
1.6 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
Sharps Mountain
1.1 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
Jacob City Loop
5 km | Easy | Massabesic Experimental Forest
Kittery Town Forest Place
Bill Klingner Trail
2.6 km | Easy | Kittery Town Forest
Shaker Woods Reserve Place
Grantsville Reservoir Loop
3.2 km | Easy | Shaker Woods Reserve
Steedman Woods Place
Piney Mountain via Hollow Rock Park
2.7 km | Easy | Steedman Woods
Pott’s Branch Trail
2.3 km | Easy | Steedman Woods
Sanford Place
Stansbury Front Trail (Full Trail)
1.9 km | Easy | Sanford
Tatnic Woods Preserve Place
Thorp Mountain via Knox Creek and Kachess Ridge Trails
1.6 km | Easy | Tatnic Woods Preserve
Grover-Herrick Conservation Area Place
Bear Ridge Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Grover-Herrick Conservation Area
Douglas Memorial Woods Place
Redgap Pass Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Douglas Memorial Woods
Bauneg Beg Mountain Conservation Area Place
Goat Island Mountain
3.9 km | Moderate | Bauneg Beg Mountain Conservation Area
Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge Place
Camp Sacajawea Loop
2.9 km | Easy | Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge
Devils Canyon Trail
1.6 km | Easy | Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge
Maple Street Conservation Area and Town Forest Place
Sunshine Mountain East Ridge
2.9 km | Easy | Maple Street Conservation Area and Town Forest
Cross Mountain Trail
1.8 km | Easy | Maple Street Conservation Area and Town Forest
Wells Place
Caribou Lake
1 km | Easy | Wells
Left Hand Fork Trail Loop
3.9 km | Easy | Wells
Kortum Trail: Wright’s Beach
1.3 km | Easy | Wells
Smelt Brook Preserve Place
Durham Division East Trails
2.3 km | Easy | Smelt Brook Preserve
Parsonsfield Place
Enchanted Lake Loop
5 km | Easy | Parsonsfield
Orris Falls Conservation Area Place
Lizard Head and Cross Mountain Loop from Lizard Head Pass
5.1 km | Easy | Orris Falls Conservation Area
Poop Out Trail
4.3 km | Easy | Orris Falls Conservation Area
North Berwick Place
French Cabin Creek
2.4 km | Easy | North Berwick
Richard E. Payeur Preserve Place
Park Pointe Loop
1.4 km | Easy | Richard E. Payeur Preserve
Rocky Hills Preserve Place
Land of Lakes Trail
5.6 km | Easy | Rocky Hills Preserve
Woods Lake via Wilson Mesa Trail
3.5 km | Easy | Rocky Hills Preserve
Newichawannock Woods Place
Painted Wall View Trail
1.8 km | Easy | Newichawannock Woods
Sousa Family Preserve Place
Crooked Tree Loop
4.2 km | Easy | Sousa Family Preserve
Highland Farm Preserve Place
Stephens State Forest Area Trails
3.7 km | Easy | Highland Farm Preserve
Sycamore / Company Mill Combined Loop
2.3 km | Easy | Highland Farm Preserve
Hartley Mason Reservation Place
Thomas Mitchell DeVotie and Pond Trail
1.6 km | Easy | Hartley Mason Reservation
Tilton Homestead Wildlife Commons Place
Dege Peak and Frozen Lake via Sourdough Ridge Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Tilton Homestead Wildlife Commons
Beach Plum Farm Preserve Place
Big Tree Ridge, Red Cedars, Precipice Top, and Military Ridge Loop
1.1 km | Easy | Beach Plum Farm Preserve
Fort McClary State Park Place
Eagle Mountain Lake Loop
0.5 km | Easy | Fort McClary State Park
Keay Brook Preserve Place
Lybrook Fairyland
1.9 km | Easy | Keay Brook Preserve
Raymond and Simone Savage Wildlife Preserve Place
Wave and Eagle Road Loop
1.4 km | Easy | Raymond and Simone Savage Wildlife Preserve
Near Point Preserve Place
Piegan Pass Trail
1.3 km | Easy | Near Point Preserve
Fairchild Easement Place
Lake Cheston to Otey Point
0.3 km | Easy | Fairchild Easement
Fuller Forest Preserve Place
Zo-El Annett Woods
5.8 km | Easy | Fuller Forest Preserve
Seapoint Preserve Place
Beckwith Point Trail
1.4 km | Easy | Seapoint Preserve
Springvale Park Place
Blind Beach to Wrights Beach via Kortum Trail
4.3 km | Moderate | Springvale Park
Salmon Falls Reserve Place
Kosciusko Park Walk
2.3 km | Easy | Salmon Falls Reserve
Ogunquit Place
Section Line, Nook and Bus Trail
5.5 km | Easy | Ogunquit
Adventure and High School Trail Loop
3.2 km | Easy | Ogunquit
Pineland Farms Trails Place
Depot South Loop
2.1 km | Easy | Pineland Farms Trails
Blackstrap Hill Preserve Place
Hayfield (Red Blaze)
1.3 km | Intermediate | Blackstrap Hill Preserve
River Trail (Blue Blazes)
2.5 km | Intermediate | Blackstrap Hill Preserve
Alden Hill/USM Trails Place
Saint Nick
0.6 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Sams Club Loop
0.7 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Shoot 2 Quill
0.3 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Access Trail
0.7 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Secret Lover
0.3 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Sons of Yesterday
0.6 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Sons of Yesterday Access
0.7 km | Intermediate | Alden Hill/USM Trails
Tatnic Hills Preserve Place
Red Town and Wildside Trails
1.6 km | Easy | Tatnic Hills Preserve
Unspecified Place
Witch Hole Connector
1.9 km | Easy |
Down East Sunrise Trail (DEST)
147 km | Easy/Intermediate |
Witch Hole Pond
5.6 km | Easy |
Lanzo Trail
1 km | Intermediate |
Twisty Turny
1.9 km | Intermediate |
Paradise Hill
1.8 km | Easy |
Oak Knoll Ride
12.5 km | Intermediate |
Oak Knoll
3.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
Moose River Outpost Singletrack Trail
1.5 km | Intermediate |
West Side Trail
7.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
Newton’s Revenge
2.7 km | Intermediate |
Uphill Trail
1.5 km | Easy/Intermediate |
1 km | Difficult |
Katahdin Loop Road
28.9 km | Intermediate |
39 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
Katahdin Loop Expanded
32 km | Intermediate |
Eastern Trail: Kennebunk to Biddeford
9.8 km | Easy |
Sea Fury Loop Trail
6.8 km | Intermediate |
Community Access Trail System (CATS)
9.3 km | Easy |
Homeward Climb Trail
7.1 km | Intermediate |
Eastern Trail: Saco to Scarborough
17.4 km | Easy/Intermediate |
Fore River Sanctuary Trail – Jewell Falls
2.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
Orin Falls Road
4.2 km | Easy |
Idaho Lake and Knife Edge Trail
1 km | Intermediate |
5. Tempest Trail
1.4 km | Difficult |
4. Pitch Pole Trail
1.1 km | Difficult |
12. Spanker Trail
1.2 km | Difficult |
Four Corners Trail
3.9 km | Intermediate |
11. Dreadnought Trail
0.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
Big Bacon
4.6 km | Intermediate |
H.I. Trail
5.8 km | Intermediate |
Robinson Woods Trail
2.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult |
0.6 km | Intermediate |
Essex Woods Place
Essex Woods Fat Bike Race Course
5.9 km | Intermediate | Essex Woods
Weeks Road Parcel Place
1.2 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
Moody Blues
1.4 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
White Flag
0.3 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
0.6 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
Gold Digger
0.6 km | Difficult | Weeks Road Parcel
0.6 km | Intermediate | Weeks Road Parcel
Sugarloaf Place
CBCC – 100 K Course
103.8 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
Carrabassett Backcountry Cycle Challenge
51.3 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
Sunny Breeze
1.5 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
Bob’s Bruiser
0.4 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
1.2 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
Moose Bog Loop
2 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
First Tracks
0.3 km | Intermediate | Sugarloaf
Bob’s Backyard Boogie
0.6 km | Difficult | Sugarloaf
Snail Trail
0.6 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
Low Land Trail
1 km | Intermediate | Sugarloaf
Narrow Gauge Trail
8.5 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
Rt 27 Connector
1.1 km | Easy | Sugarloaf
Rick Swan Trail System Place
100 Acre Wood Trail
2.8 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Ladies 1st Trail
0.8 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Dumbo’s Dilemma
0.4 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Twitch Trail
0.5 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
North Trail
0.9 km | Very Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Long Way Home Trail
4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Bo’s Run
2 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Wild Kingdom Trail
1.1 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Bracken Way
0.5 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
9 to 5 Trail
0.7 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Dumbo’s Solution
0.3 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Uncle Buzz
0.4 km | Very Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Dumbo’s Dilemma
0.6 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Poplar Access
0.6 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Upper Shore Trail
0.5 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Al Kimball Alleyway (AKA Trail)
0.7 km | Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Bridge to Nowhere
0.1 km | Intermediate | Rick Swan Trail System
Shore Trail
0.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Rick Swan Trail System
Bigelow Preserve Place
Cromits Overlook
4 km | Intermediate | Bigelow Preserve
Oak Nuts Park Place
Presumpscot River Trail 2
8.7 km | Intermediate | Oak Nuts Park
Roaring Brook, Katahdin Lake, Katahdin Place
The Broken Road
5.9 km | Easy | Roaring Brook, Katahdin Lake, Katahdin
Barnard Mountain Road
4.3 km | Easy | Roaring Brook, Katahdin Lake, Katahdin