Discover the Best Bike Trails in Maine
Explore the finest bike trails across Maine. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, there’s something for everyone!
Bike Trails by Difficulty
Intermediate Difficulty
Orin Falls Trail
5.6 km | Intermediate |
Southern Bangor and Aroostook Trail: New Sweden to Presque Isle
36.2 km | Intermediate |
Titcomb Mountain Loop Trail
5.7 km | Intermediate | Titcomb Mountain
West Side Trail – Cousins Island
2.2 km | Intermediate |
Sandy Stream Trail
3.8 km | Intermediate | Ridge Spur
Stroudwater Trail
4 km | Intermediate | Yellow 6
Presumpscot River Trail
7.2 km | Intermediate | Cave Rocks Road
Ridge Trail
2.8 km | Intermediate | Rexis Branch
2. Jibe Trail
1 km | Intermediate | Lakeside
Tote Road
1.7 km | Intermediate | Stage Road
White Oak (White Blaze)
0.9 km | Intermediate | MacDonald Trail
Whistle Stop to ITS 89
4.5 km | Intermediate | Loop 3
Androscoggin State Park Tour
33.7 km | Intermediate | North Fork Trail
Gorham Way
0.8 km | Intermediate | Garden Brook Trail
3.3 km | Intermediate | CT - Segment 23: Carson Saddle to Stony Pass
Fox West
1.6 km | Intermediate | 409s and Point Lookout Loop
1.4 km | Intermediate | Deep Creek Trail
Louie Louie
2 km | Intermediate | Colorado Trail: Kenosha Pass to Lost Creek Wilderness Boundary
GTO Flow
0.8 km | Intermediate | Classic Breckenridge Route
Blue Henry’s Delight
0.9 km | Intermediate | Slalom
Intermediate/Difficult Difficulty
Overlook Trail
0.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Grasshopper Lane
Poplar Ridge (Blue Blaze)
1.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Hahm
Rocky Ridge (Yellow Blaze)
2.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Crystal Peak, Star Pass, Hunters Creek Loop
Blackstrap Hill Preserve
6.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Forest Road
Happy Cats (Blue Blaze)
1.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Side Door
Easy/Intermediate Difficulty
Day Mt. Summit
2.4 km | Easy/Intermediate | Fairfax-Bo Ridge Gravel Grinder
Acadia Carriage Road Tour
40.4 km | Easy/Intermediate | Bolinas Ridge
Hadlock Loop
6.4 km | Easy/Intermediate | Welch Trail
Around The Lake (Eagle Lake Carriage Road)
9.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | Abrigo Valley Trail
Northern Loop
1.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | 7th St Loop
Climbing Trail
0.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | Lippencott Loop
Easy Difficulty
Southern Bangor and Aroostook Trail: Caribou to Carson
11.2 km | Easy | Chino Hills Loop
Eagle Lake – Jordan Pond
3.9 km | Easy | North Country Trail - Kipp Road to Van Road Segment
Seven Sisters/Bridges
1.9 km | Easy | Mission Peak Panorama and YSC Loop
White Oak (White Blaze)
0.9 km | Easy | Pioneer Trail/North Country Trail: Bear Run Descent
ITS 89 – East Baldwin
6.8 km | Easy | Homeward Climb Trail
Aunt Betty Pond
4.3 km | Easy | Sandy Climb
Old River Road Trail
14.9 km | Easy | Connector - North
Amphitheatre East
1.7 km | Easy | Curran Trail
2 km | Easy | Bible Hill Road
Amphitheatre West
1.5 km | Easy | Old Nimitz Way/Green Ridge Trail
Jordan Pond – Wildwood
2.1 km | Easy | CT - Segment 6: Kenosha Pass to Goldhill
Day Mt. Loop
4.5 km | Easy | CT - Segment 9 - 10 Detour: Holy Cross/Mount Massive Wilderness Bypass
Difficult Difficulty
1.6 km | Difficult | Bosom Pines Trail
10. Keelhaul Trail
0.6 km | Difficult | Sea Fury Loop Trail
After Work Special
8.8 km | Difficult | Sunset Trail
Outback Trail
2.2 km | Difficult | Bake Sale
7. Bitter End Trail
0.5 km | Difficult | No Dab
0.8 km | Difficult | Scary Trail
Raven (Black Blaze)
0.7 km | Difficult | CT - Segment 17: Sargents Mesa to Colorado Hwy-114
Longest Bike Trails
5.6 Trail Length
Orin Falls Trail
5.6 km | Intermediate |
36.2 Trail Length
Southern Bangor and Aroostook Trail: New Sweden to Presque Isle
36.2 km | Intermediate |
5.7 Trail Length
Titcomb Mountain Loop Trail
5.7 km | Intermediate | Titcomb Mountain
2.2 Trail Length
West Side Trail – Cousins Island
2.2 km | Intermediate |
Outback Trail
2.2 km | Difficult | Bake Sale
3.8 Trail Length
Sandy Stream Trail
3.8 km | Intermediate | Ridge Spur
4 Trail Length
Stroudwater Trail
4 km | Intermediate | Yellow 6
0.9 Trail Length
Overlook Trail
0.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Grasshopper Lane
White Oak (White Blaze)
0.9 km | Intermediate | MacDonald Trail
White Oak (White Blaze)
0.9 km | Easy | Pioneer Trail/North Country Trail: Bear Run Descent
Blue Henry’s Delight
0.9 km | Intermediate | Slalom
7.2 Trail Length
Presumpscot River Trail
7.2 km | Intermediate | Cave Rocks Road
2.4 Trail Length
Day Mt. Summit
2.4 km | Easy/Intermediate | Fairfax-Bo Ridge Gravel Grinder
Rocky Ridge (Yellow Blaze)
2.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Crystal Peak, Star Pass, Hunters Creek Loop
40.4 Trail Length
Acadia Carriage Road Tour
40.4 km | Easy/Intermediate | Bolinas Ridge
11.2 Trail Length
Southern Bangor and Aroostook Trail: Caribou to Carson
11.2 km | Easy | Chino Hills Loop
2.8 Trail Length
Ridge Trail
2.8 km | Intermediate | Rexis Branch
1.6 Trail Length
0.6 Trail Length
10. Keelhaul Trail
0.6 km | Difficult | Sea Fury Loop Trail
6.4 Trail Length
Hadlock Loop
6.4 km | Easy/Intermediate | Welch Trail
1 Trail Length
2. Jibe Trail
1 km | Intermediate | Lakeside
1.2 Trail Length
Poplar Ridge (Blue Blaze)
1.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Hahm
8.8 Trail Length
After Work Special
8.8 km | Difficult | Sunset Trail
3.9 Trail Length
Eagle Lake – Jordan Pond
3.9 km | Easy | North Country Trail - Kipp Road to Van Road Segment
1.7 Trail Length
Tote Road
1.7 km | Intermediate | Stage Road
Northern Loop
1.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | 7th St Loop
Amphitheatre East
1.7 km | Easy | Curran Trail
1.9 Trail Length
Seven Sisters/Bridges
1.9 km | Easy | Mission Peak Panorama and YSC Loop
9.7 Trail Length
Around The Lake (Eagle Lake Carriage Road)
9.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | Abrigo Valley Trail
0.5 Trail Length
7. Bitter End Trail
0.5 km | Difficult | No Dab
4.5 Trail Length
Whistle Stop to ITS 89
4.5 km | Intermediate | Loop 3
Day Mt. Loop
4.5 km | Easy | CT - Segment 9 - 10 Detour: Holy Cross/Mount Massive Wilderness Bypass
6.8 Trail Length
ITS 89 – East Baldwin
6.8 km | Easy | Homeward Climb Trail
4.3 Trail Length
Aunt Betty Pond
4.3 km | Easy | Sandy Climb
14.9 Trail Length
Old River Road Trail
14.9 km | Easy | Connector - North
33.7 Trail Length
Androscoggin State Park Tour
33.7 km | Intermediate | North Fork Trail
0.8 Trail Length
0.8 km | Difficult | Scary Trail
Gorham Way
0.8 km | Intermediate | Garden Brook Trail
GTO Flow
0.8 km | Intermediate | Classic Breckenridge Route
2 Trail Length
2 km | Easy | Bible Hill Road
Louie Louie
2 km | Intermediate | Colorado Trail: Kenosha Pass to Lost Creek Wilderness Boundary
0.7 Trail Length
Climbing Trail
0.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | Lippencott Loop
Raven (Black Blaze)
0.7 km | Difficult | CT - Segment 17: Sargents Mesa to Colorado Hwy-114
1.5 Trail Length
Amphitheatre West
1.5 km | Easy | Old Nimitz Way/Green Ridge Trail
Happy Cats (Blue Blaze)
1.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Side Door
3.3 Trail Length
3.3 km | Intermediate | CT - Segment 23: Carson Saddle to Stony Pass
6.6 Trail Length
Blackstrap Hill Preserve
6.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Forest Road
2.1 Trail Length
Jordan Pond – Wildwood
2.1 km | Easy | CT - Segment 6: Kenosha Pass to Goldhill
1.4 Trail Length
1.4 km | Intermediate | Deep Creek Trail
Bike Trails by Location
Unspecified Place
Orin Falls Trail
5.6 km | Intermediate |
Southern Bangor and Aroostook Trail: New Sweden to Presque Isle
36.2 km | Intermediate |
West Side Trail – Cousins Island
2.2 km | Intermediate |
Titcomb Mountain Place
Titcomb Mountain Loop Trail
5.7 km | Intermediate | Titcomb Mountain
Ridge Spur Place
Sandy Stream Trail
3.8 km | Intermediate | Ridge Spur
Yellow 6 Place
Stroudwater Trail
4 km | Intermediate | Yellow 6
Grasshopper Lane Place
Overlook Trail
0.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Grasshopper Lane
Cave Rocks Road Place
Presumpscot River Trail
7.2 km | Intermediate | Cave Rocks Road
Fairfax-Bo Ridge Gravel Grinder Place
Day Mt. Summit
2.4 km | Easy/Intermediate | Fairfax-Bo Ridge Gravel Grinder
Bolinas Ridge Place
Acadia Carriage Road Tour
40.4 km | Easy/Intermediate | Bolinas Ridge
Chino Hills Loop Place
Southern Bangor and Aroostook Trail: Caribou to Carson
11.2 km | Easy | Chino Hills Loop
Rexis Branch Place
Ridge Trail
2.8 km | Intermediate | Rexis Branch
Bosom Pines Trail Place
1.6 km | Difficult | Bosom Pines Trail
Sea Fury Loop Trail Place
10. Keelhaul Trail
0.6 km | Difficult | Sea Fury Loop Trail
Welch Trail Place
Hadlock Loop
6.4 km | Easy/Intermediate | Welch Trail
Lakeside Place
2. Jibe Trail
1 km | Intermediate | Lakeside
Hahm Place
Poplar Ridge (Blue Blaze)
1.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Hahm
Sunset Trail Place
After Work Special
8.8 km | Difficult | Sunset Trail
North Country Trail - Kipp Road to Van Road Segment Place
Eagle Lake – Jordan Pond
3.9 km | Easy | North Country Trail - Kipp Road to Van Road Segment
Stage Road Place
Tote Road
1.7 km | Intermediate | Stage Road
Mission Peak Panorama and YSC Loop Place
Seven Sisters/Bridges
1.9 km | Easy | Mission Peak Panorama and YSC Loop
Abrigo Valley Trail Place
Around The Lake (Eagle Lake Carriage Road)
9.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | Abrigo Valley Trail
Bake Sale Place
Outback Trail
2.2 km | Difficult | Bake Sale
7th St Loop Place
Northern Loop
1.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | 7th St Loop
MacDonald Trail Place
White Oak (White Blaze)
0.9 km | Intermediate | MacDonald Trail
No Dab Place
7. Bitter End Trail
0.5 km | Difficult | No Dab
Pioneer Trail/North Country Trail: Bear Run Descent Place
White Oak (White Blaze)
0.9 km | Easy | Pioneer Trail/North Country Trail: Bear Run Descent
Loop 3 Place
Whistle Stop to ITS 89
4.5 km | Intermediate | Loop 3
Homeward Climb Trail Place
ITS 89 – East Baldwin
6.8 km | Easy | Homeward Climb Trail
Sandy Climb Place
Aunt Betty Pond
4.3 km | Easy | Sandy Climb
Connector - North Place
Old River Road Trail
14.9 km | Easy | Connector - North
North Fork Trail Place
Androscoggin State Park Tour
33.7 km | Intermediate | North Fork Trail
Curran Trail Place
Amphitheatre East
1.7 km | Easy | Curran Trail
Scary Trail Place
0.8 km | Difficult | Scary Trail
Garden Brook Trail Place
Gorham Way
0.8 km | Intermediate | Garden Brook Trail
Bible Hill Road Place
2 km | Easy | Bible Hill Road
Lippencott Loop Place
Climbing Trail
0.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | Lippencott Loop
Old Nimitz Way/Green Ridge Trail Place
Amphitheatre West
1.5 km | Easy | Old Nimitz Way/Green Ridge Trail
Crystal Peak, Star Pass, Hunters Creek Loop Place
Rocky Ridge (Yellow Blaze)
2.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Crystal Peak, Star Pass, Hunters Creek Loop
CT - Segment 23: Carson Saddle to Stony Pass Place
3.3 km | Intermediate | CT - Segment 23: Carson Saddle to Stony Pass
Forest Road Place
Blackstrap Hill Preserve
6.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Forest Road
CT - Segment 17: Sargents Mesa to Colorado Hwy-114 Place
Raven (Black Blaze)
0.7 km | Difficult | CT - Segment 17: Sargents Mesa to Colorado Hwy-114
CT - Segment 6: Kenosha Pass to Goldhill Place
Jordan Pond – Wildwood
2.1 km | Easy | CT - Segment 6: Kenosha Pass to Goldhill
409s and Point Lookout Loop Place
Fox West
1.6 km | Intermediate | 409s and Point Lookout Loop
Side Door Place
Happy Cats (Blue Blaze)
1.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Side Door
Deep Creek Trail Place
1.4 km | Intermediate | Deep Creek Trail
Colorado Trail: Kenosha Pass to Lost Creek Wilderness Boundary Place
Louie Louie
2 km | Intermediate | Colorado Trail: Kenosha Pass to Lost Creek Wilderness Boundary
CT - Segment 9 - 10 Detour: Holy Cross/Mount Massive Wilderness Bypass Place
Day Mt. Loop
4.5 km | Easy | CT - Segment 9 - 10 Detour: Holy Cross/Mount Massive Wilderness Bypass
Classic Breckenridge Route Place
GTO Flow
0.8 km | Intermediate | Classic Breckenridge Route
Slalom Place
Blue Henry’s Delight
0.9 km | Intermediate | Slalom