Discover the Best Bike Trails in Massachusetts
Explore the finest bike trails across Massachusetts. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, there’s something for everyone!
Bike Trails by Difficulty
Intermediate Difficulty
Pearl Hill Southeast Trail
1.5 km | Intermediate | Carreta - Jack Spania
Poet’s Seat Tower Access Road
1 km | Intermediate | SilMod Singletrack
Pipeline Trail
1.7 km | Intermediate | Poe Trail
Main Trail Fire Road
2.1 km | Intermediate | Temecula Creek Trail
Breakneck Ledge Loop
7.5 km | Intermediate | Brooklyn - Southside Junction Trail
White Diamond Trail
1.4 km | Intermediate | C Loop
Right Turn Clyde
0.9 km | Intermediate | Lakeshore Trail
College Rock Run
1.9 km | Intermediate | CT - Segment 24 Detour: Weminuche Wilderness Bypass
Duck Pond Trail
2.5 km | Intermediate | Bristol Head
Red Blaze Trail
1.7 km | Intermediate | Tour de Engineer
Woodhill Trail
2.3 km | Intermediate | Juniata Trail
Difficult Difficulty
Colton Road Conservation Area (AKA Rayburn Trails)
6.8 km | Difficult | Buffalo Gap NF Road
0.8 km | Difficult | Buck Snort
Orange Trail
1.2 km | Difficult | Erratic Rock Trail
Blue Dot Trail
1.4 km | Difficult | Riverview Trail
Far East
1.4 km | Difficult | Annandale Trail
1.2 km | Difficult | BallHooter
Tophet Chasm Trail
0.9 km | Difficult | Upper Concrete Block
Friends Trail
1.3 km | Difficult | CT - Camp Hale to Holy Cross Wilderness
Borderland Loop
10.3 km | Difficult | Carson Continental Divide Epic
NEMBA Access Trail
0.7 km | Difficult | Burning Bear Trail
Very Difficult Difficulty
The Diving Board
0.1 km | Very Difficult | Bear Bones
1.3 km | Very Difficult | Seaborg Trail
Easy Difficulty
Open Space Connector
0.2 km | Easy | Lake Fayetteville
Lakeside Trail
0.5 km | Easy | Blue Flow Trail
Ridge Loop
0.6 km | Easy | Rattlesnake
Ronald W Evans Memorial Trail
0.2 km | Easy | Council Bluff Lake Shore Trail
Warner Trail
4.1 km | Easy | Silver Comet Trail
Vinton Pond Rd to Hamilton Hill Rd
2.1 km | Easy | D Loop
495 Run
0.7 km | Easy | Woopidy Woo
This Way Out
0.7 km | Easy | Mount Marquette Loop
Swamp Bypass
2 km | Easy | Mt. Adams MTB Trail
Bear’s Den Road doubletrack
1.6 km | Easy | Sallie Barber Road
Intermediate/Difficult Difficulty
Greenfield Ridge/Rocky Mt Park Loop
13.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Blue Ribbon Passage
Boundary Trail
5.3 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Root Canal
Far Side
1.8 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Lakeview Loop
Callahan Tour
15.1 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Cossingham Trail
Off-Road Loop
9.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Council Trail
Easy/Intermediate Difficulty
Charles River Trail
1.2 km | Easy/Intermediate | Lower Oso Trail
Bolton Town Commons Loop
0.3 km | Easy/Intermediate | Little Beaver Creek Greenway Trail
Longest Bike Trails
1.5 Trail Length
Pearl Hill Southeast Trail
1.5 km | Intermediate | Carreta - Jack Spania
6.8 Trail Length
Colton Road Conservation Area (AKA Rayburn Trails)
6.8 km | Difficult | Buffalo Gap NF Road
0.8 Trail Length
0.8 km | Difficult | Buck Snort
0.1 Trail Length
The Diving Board
0.1 km | Very Difficult | Bear Bones
0.2 Trail Length
Open Space Connector
0.2 km | Easy | Lake Fayetteville
Ronald W Evans Memorial Trail
0.2 km | Easy | Council Bluff Lake Shore Trail
0.5 Trail Length
Lakeside Trail
0.5 km | Easy | Blue Flow Trail
1 Trail Length
Poet’s Seat Tower Access Road
1 km | Intermediate | SilMod Singletrack
13.4 Trail Length
Greenfield Ridge/Rocky Mt Park Loop
13.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Blue Ribbon Passage
5.3 Trail Length
Boundary Trail
5.3 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Root Canal
1.7 Trail Length
Pipeline Trail
1.7 km | Intermediate | Poe Trail
Red Blaze Trail
1.7 km | Intermediate | Tour de Engineer
1.2 Trail Length
Orange Trail
1.2 km | Difficult | Erratic Rock Trail
Charles River Trail
1.2 km | Easy/Intermediate | Lower Oso Trail
1.2 km | Difficult | BallHooter
1.8 Trail Length
Far Side
1.8 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Lakeview Loop
2.1 Trail Length
Main Trail Fire Road
2.1 km | Intermediate | Temecula Creek Trail
Vinton Pond Rd to Hamilton Hill Rd
2.1 km | Easy | D Loop
0.6 Trail Length
Ridge Loop
0.6 km | Easy | Rattlesnake
1.3 Trail Length
1.3 km | Very Difficult | Seaborg Trail
Friends Trail
1.3 km | Difficult | CT - Camp Hale to Holy Cross Wilderness
1.4 Trail Length
Blue Dot Trail
1.4 km | Difficult | Riverview Trail
White Diamond Trail
1.4 km | Intermediate | C Loop
Far East
1.4 km | Difficult | Annandale Trail
4.1 Trail Length
Warner Trail
4.1 km | Easy | Silver Comet Trail
15.1 Trail Length
Callahan Tour
15.1 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Cossingham Trail
0.3 Trail Length
Bolton Town Commons Loop
0.3 km | Easy/Intermediate | Little Beaver Creek Greenway Trail
7.5 Trail Length
Breakneck Ledge Loop
7.5 km | Intermediate | Brooklyn - Southside Junction Trail
9.2 Trail Length
Off-Road Loop
9.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Council Trail
0.7 Trail Length
495 Run
0.7 km | Easy | Woopidy Woo
This Way Out
0.7 km | Easy | Mount Marquette Loop
NEMBA Access Trail
0.7 km | Difficult | Burning Bear Trail
0.9 Trail Length
Right Turn Clyde
0.9 km | Intermediate | Lakeshore Trail
Tophet Chasm Trail
0.9 km | Difficult | Upper Concrete Block
2 Trail Length
Swamp Bypass
2 km | Easy | Mt. Adams MTB Trail
1.9 Trail Length
College Rock Run
1.9 km | Intermediate | CT - Segment 24 Detour: Weminuche Wilderness Bypass
2.5 Trail Length
Duck Pond Trail
2.5 km | Intermediate | Bristol Head
10.3 Trail Length
Borderland Loop
10.3 km | Difficult | Carson Continental Divide Epic
1.6 Trail Length
Bear’s Den Road doubletrack
1.6 km | Easy | Sallie Barber Road
2.3 Trail Length
Woodhill Trail
2.3 km | Intermediate | Juniata Trail
Bike Trails by Location
Carreta - Jack Spania Place
Pearl Hill Southeast Trail
1.5 km | Intermediate | Carreta - Jack Spania
Buffalo Gap NF Road Place
Colton Road Conservation Area (AKA Rayburn Trails)
6.8 km | Difficult | Buffalo Gap NF Road
Buck Snort Place
0.8 km | Difficult | Buck Snort
Bear Bones Place
The Diving Board
0.1 km | Very Difficult | Bear Bones
Lake Fayetteville Place
Open Space Connector
0.2 km | Easy | Lake Fayetteville
Blue Flow Trail Place
Lakeside Trail
0.5 km | Easy | Blue Flow Trail
SilMod Singletrack Place
Poet’s Seat Tower Access Road
1 km | Intermediate | SilMod Singletrack
Blue Ribbon Passage Place
Greenfield Ridge/Rocky Mt Park Loop
13.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Blue Ribbon Passage
Root Canal Place
Boundary Trail
5.3 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Root Canal
Poe Trail Place
Pipeline Trail
1.7 km | Intermediate | Poe Trail
Erratic Rock Trail Place
Orange Trail
1.2 km | Difficult | Erratic Rock Trail
Lakeview Loop Place
Far Side
1.8 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Lakeview Loop
Temecula Creek Trail Place
Main Trail Fire Road
2.1 km | Intermediate | Temecula Creek Trail
Rattlesnake Place
Ridge Loop
0.6 km | Easy | Rattlesnake
Council Bluff Lake Shore Trail Place
Ronald W Evans Memorial Trail
0.2 km | Easy | Council Bluff Lake Shore Trail
Seaborg Trail Place
1.3 km | Very Difficult | Seaborg Trail
Lower Oso Trail Place
Charles River Trail
1.2 km | Easy/Intermediate | Lower Oso Trail
Riverview Trail Place
Blue Dot Trail
1.4 km | Difficult | Riverview Trail
Silver Comet Trail Place
Warner Trail
4.1 km | Easy | Silver Comet Trail
D Loop Place
Vinton Pond Rd to Hamilton Hill Rd
2.1 km | Easy | D Loop
Cossingham Trail Place
Callahan Tour
15.1 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Cossingham Trail
Little Beaver Creek Greenway Trail Place
Bolton Town Commons Loop
0.3 km | Easy/Intermediate | Little Beaver Creek Greenway Trail
Brooklyn - Southside Junction Trail Place
Breakneck Ledge Loop
7.5 km | Intermediate | Brooklyn - Southside Junction Trail
C Loop Place
White Diamond Trail
1.4 km | Intermediate | C Loop
Council Trail Place
Off-Road Loop
9.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Council Trail
Annandale Trail Place
Far East
1.4 km | Difficult | Annandale Trail
Woopidy Woo Place
495 Run
0.7 km | Easy | Woopidy Woo
BallHooter Place
1.2 km | Difficult | BallHooter
Lakeshore Trail Place
Right Turn Clyde
0.9 km | Intermediate | Lakeshore Trail
Mount Marquette Loop Place
This Way Out
0.7 km | Easy | Mount Marquette Loop
Upper Concrete Block Place
Tophet Chasm Trail
0.9 km | Difficult | Upper Concrete Block
Mt. Adams MTB Trail Place
Swamp Bypass
2 km | Easy | Mt. Adams MTB Trail
CT - Segment 24 Detour: Weminuche Wilderness Bypass Place
College Rock Run
1.9 km | Intermediate | CT - Segment 24 Detour: Weminuche Wilderness Bypass
Bristol Head Place
Duck Pond Trail
2.5 km | Intermediate | Bristol Head
Tour de Engineer Place
Red Blaze Trail
1.7 km | Intermediate | Tour de Engineer
CT - Camp Hale to Holy Cross Wilderness Place
Friends Trail
1.3 km | Difficult | CT - Camp Hale to Holy Cross Wilderness
Carson Continental Divide Epic Place
Borderland Loop
10.3 km | Difficult | Carson Continental Divide Epic
Burning Bear Trail Place
NEMBA Access Trail
0.7 km | Difficult | Burning Bear Trail
Sallie Barber Road Place
Bear’s Den Road doubletrack
1.6 km | Easy | Sallie Barber Road
Juniata Trail Place
Woodhill Trail
2.3 km | Intermediate | Juniata Trail