Discover the Best Bike Trails in United States

Explore the finest bike trails across United States. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, there’s something for everyone!

Bike Trails by Difficulty

Difficult Difficulty


0.6 km | Difficult | Groveland CA Ridge Trail

Old Dug Trail

4.9 km | Difficult | FS 176

2019 Fools Gold 50

89 km | Difficult | Falcon Trail


2.6 km | Difficult | Lime Kiln


1.6 km | Difficult | Fullen/San Domingo Loop

Green’s Lick

3.1 km | Difficult | Western Larch

Mayhem Trail (West)

2.8 km | Difficult | School House Gulch

Green’s Lick / Ingles Field Gap Loop

21.9 km | Difficult | Hough Springs Climb - M5

Stanley Gap Ultra Loop

33.5 km | Difficult | New San Juan Trail

Sister Elsie Trail

3.4 km | Difficult | Buck Meadows, Lumsden Bridge and the Toulumne River

Spencer Branch Trail

5 km | Difficult | Blue Ridge Road FS-42

Bent Creek Epicito v2

44.2 km | Difficult | 120 Bypass Roads

2019 Fools Gold 50

89 km | Difficult | Falcon Trail

Easy Difficulty

Tree Tables

1.5 km | Easy | Trail A

Pink Beds Loop Trail

4.1 km | Easy | Panorama

Padilla Trail

0.4 km | Easy | Padilla Trail

Anasazi Trail

1.4 km | Easy | Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge

White Reef Trail

2.9 km | Easy | WFT: Angry Beaver West

Park Des Families Bike Trail

8.5 km | Easy | Park Des Families Bike Trail


0.9 km | Easy | Snake Bight Trail

Tree Tables

1.5 km | Easy | Trail A

Intermediate Difficulty

Baja Divide: Section 1

95.6 km | Intermediate | Tuolumne Road Shortcut

Riordan Hill Road

12.6 km | Intermediate | Colter Trail

Brush Lake Trail

9 km | Intermediate | Terrapin Mountain Loop

Anasazi Trail

10.2 km | Intermediate | FR78 Summit Lake Connector


1.4 km | Intermediate | Forest Service Trail 3016


1.2 km | Intermediate | Arkansas Hills Trail System

Bearclaw Stucki Loop

21.6 km | Intermediate | Cone Road

Raging River Loop

32.9 km | Intermediate | WFT: Lion Mountain - Sklyes Lake Ln.


6 km | Intermediate | Maunahui Road

Manastash Ridge Southside Ride

24.9 km | Intermediate | Waikolu Overlook

Eastside Vista Descent

1.7 km | Intermediate | Buff Meadow

Mount Umunhum Trail

6 km | Intermediate | FSR

Bearclaw, Stucki, Snakepit

29 km | Intermediate | AZ Trail from Pistol Hill to Cmo Loma Alta via Hope Camp


1.2 km | Intermediate | Cowpasture Trail

Brush Lake Trail

9 km | Intermediate | Terrapin Mountain Loop


1.4 km | Intermediate | Forest Service Trail 3016

Baja Divide: Section 1

95.6 km | Intermediate | Tuolumne Road Shortcut

Riordan Hill Road

12.6 km | Intermediate | Colter Trail

Intermediate/Difficult Difficulty

South Mills River Trail (

22 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Terrapin Mountain Trail

The Chutes

2.3 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Crawfish Horse Trail

Church Rocks

8.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Urban Connection

Raging Ridge Trail

9.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Idaho Trail Segment 17

Mills River: Spencer & Fletcher

16.7 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Skulls Gap Trail

Mostah Mills

28.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Gunslinger Loop B

Spencer Branch to Fletcher Creek Loop

14.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Little Mare Trail

Bent Creek Epicito

33.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Murietta Juncal Road

Hardtrigger Canyon Loop

18.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Hankey Mountain Road

Dino Cliffs

3.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Pines Campground to Buck Meadows

The Chutes

2.3 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Crawfish Horse Trail

South Mills River Trail (

22 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Terrapin Mountain Trail

Easy/Intermediate Difficulty

Onaga Trail

1.9 km | Easy/Intermediate | Upper Monroe Truck Trail

White Reef Loop

6.6 km | Easy/Intermediate | Eagle Camp Trail

Forest Service Trail 3016

9.2 km | Easy/Intermediate | Sweetwater Trail L3

Very Difficult Difficulty

Yo Vinny!

0.6 km | Very Difficult | Plantation Trail

Longest Bike Trails

0.6 Trail Length


0.6 km | Difficult | Groveland CA Ridge Trail

Yo Vinny!

0.6 km | Very Difficult | Plantation Trail

1.5 Trail Length

Tree Tables

1.5 km | Easy | Trail A

Tree Tables

1.5 km | Easy | Trail A

4.1 Trail Length

Pink Beds Loop Trail

4.1 km | Easy | Panorama

95.6 Trail Length

Baja Divide: Section 1

95.6 km | Intermediate | Tuolumne Road Shortcut

Baja Divide: Section 1

95.6 km | Intermediate | Tuolumne Road Shortcut

4.9 Trail Length

Old Dug Trail

4.9 km | Difficult | FS 176

22 Trail Length

South Mills River Trail (

22 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Terrapin Mountain Trail

South Mills River Trail (

22 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Terrapin Mountain Trail

12.6 Trail Length

Riordan Hill Road

12.6 km | Intermediate | Colter Trail

Riordan Hill Road

12.6 km | Intermediate | Colter Trail

2.3 Trail Length

The Chutes

2.3 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Crawfish Horse Trail

The Chutes

2.3 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Crawfish Horse Trail

9 Trail Length

Brush Lake Trail

9 km | Intermediate | Terrapin Mountain Loop

Brush Lake Trail

9 km | Intermediate | Terrapin Mountain Loop

10.2 Trail Length

Anasazi Trail

10.2 km | Intermediate | FR78 Summit Lake Connector

89 Trail Length

2019 Fools Gold 50

89 km | Difficult | Falcon Trail

2019 Fools Gold 50

89 km | Difficult | Falcon Trail

1.4 Trail Length


1.4 km | Intermediate | Forest Service Trail 3016

Anasazi Trail

1.4 km | Easy | Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge


1.4 km | Intermediate | Forest Service Trail 3016

0.4 Trail Length

Padilla Trail

0.4 km | Easy | Padilla Trail

1.2 Trail Length


1.2 km | Intermediate | Arkansas Hills Trail System


1.2 km | Intermediate | Cowpasture Trail

1.9 Trail Length

Onaga Trail

1.9 km | Easy/Intermediate | Upper Monroe Truck Trail

8.5 Trail Length

Church Rocks

8.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Urban Connection

Park Des Families Bike Trail

8.5 km | Easy | Park Des Families Bike Trail

2.6 Trail Length


2.6 km | Difficult | Lime Kiln

21.6 Trail Length

Bearclaw Stucki Loop

21.6 km | Intermediate | Cone Road

32.9 Trail Length

Raging River Loop

32.9 km | Intermediate | WFT: Lion Mountain - Sklyes Lake Ln.

6 Trail Length


6 km | Intermediate | Maunahui Road

Mount Umunhum Trail

6 km | Intermediate | FSR

24.9 Trail Length

Manastash Ridge Southside Ride

24.9 km | Intermediate | Waikolu Overlook

6.6 Trail Length

White Reef Loop

6.6 km | Easy/Intermediate | Eagle Camp Trail

9.2 Trail Length

Raging Ridge Trail

9.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Idaho Trail Segment 17

Forest Service Trail 3016

9.2 km | Easy/Intermediate | Sweetwater Trail L3

1.7 Trail Length

Eastside Vista Descent

1.7 km | Intermediate | Buff Meadow

1.6 Trail Length


1.6 km | Difficult | Fullen/San Domingo Loop

2.9 Trail Length

White Reef Trail

2.9 km | Easy | WFT: Angry Beaver West

16.7 Trail Length

Mills River: Spencer & Fletcher

16.7 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Skulls Gap Trail

28.5 Trail Length

Mostah Mills

28.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Gunslinger Loop B

14.4 Trail Length

Spencer Branch to Fletcher Creek Loop

14.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Little Mare Trail

3.1 Trail Length

Green’s Lick

3.1 km | Difficult | Western Larch

33.2 Trail Length

Bent Creek Epicito

33.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Murietta Juncal Road

18.6 Trail Length

Hardtrigger Canyon Loop

18.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Hankey Mountain Road

29 Trail Length

Bearclaw, Stucki, Snakepit

29 km | Intermediate | AZ Trail from Pistol Hill to Cmo Loma Alta via Hope Camp

2.8 Trail Length

Mayhem Trail (West)

2.8 km | Difficult | School House Gulch

21.9 Trail Length

Green’s Lick / Ingles Field Gap Loop

21.9 km | Difficult | Hough Springs Climb - M5

3.2 Trail Length

Dino Cliffs

3.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Pines Campground to Buck Meadows

33.5 Trail Length

Stanley Gap Ultra Loop

33.5 km | Difficult | New San Juan Trail

3.4 Trail Length

Sister Elsie Trail

3.4 km | Difficult | Buck Meadows, Lumsden Bridge and the Toulumne River

5 Trail Length

Spencer Branch Trail

5 km | Difficult | Blue Ridge Road FS-42

44.2 Trail Length

Bent Creek Epicito v2

44.2 km | Difficult | 120 Bypass Roads

0.9 Trail Length


0.9 km | Easy | Snake Bight Trail

Bike Trails by Location

Groveland CA Ridge Trail Place


0.6 km | Difficult | Groveland CA Ridge Trail

Trail A Place

Tree Tables

1.5 km | Easy | Trail A

Tree Tables

1.5 km | Easy | Trail A

Panorama Place

Pink Beds Loop Trail

4.1 km | Easy | Panorama

Tuolumne Road Shortcut Place

Baja Divide: Section 1

95.6 km | Intermediate | Tuolumne Road Shortcut

Baja Divide: Section 1

95.6 km | Intermediate | Tuolumne Road Shortcut

FS 176 Place

Old Dug Trail

4.9 km | Difficult | FS 176

Terrapin Mountain Trail Place

South Mills River Trail (

22 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Terrapin Mountain Trail

South Mills River Trail (

22 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Terrapin Mountain Trail

Colter Trail Place

Riordan Hill Road

12.6 km | Intermediate | Colter Trail

Riordan Hill Road

12.6 km | Intermediate | Colter Trail

Crawfish Horse Trail Place

The Chutes

2.3 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Crawfish Horse Trail

The Chutes

2.3 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Crawfish Horse Trail

Terrapin Mountain Loop Place

Brush Lake Trail

9 km | Intermediate | Terrapin Mountain Loop

Brush Lake Trail

9 km | Intermediate | Terrapin Mountain Loop

FR78 Summit Lake Connector Place

Anasazi Trail

10.2 km | Intermediate | FR78 Summit Lake Connector

Falcon Trail Place

2019 Fools Gold 50

89 km | Difficult | Falcon Trail

2019 Fools Gold 50

89 km | Difficult | Falcon Trail

Forest Service Trail 3016 Place


1.4 km | Intermediate | Forest Service Trail 3016


1.4 km | Intermediate | Forest Service Trail 3016

Padilla Trail Place

Padilla Trail

0.4 km | Easy | Padilla Trail

Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge Place

Anasazi Trail

1.4 km | Easy | Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge

Arkansas Hills Trail System Place


1.2 km | Intermediate | Arkansas Hills Trail System

Upper Monroe Truck Trail Place

Onaga Trail

1.9 km | Easy/Intermediate | Upper Monroe Truck Trail

Urban Connection Place

Church Rocks

8.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Urban Connection

Lime Kiln Place


2.6 km | Difficult | Lime Kiln

Cone Road Place

Bearclaw Stucki Loop

21.6 km | Intermediate | Cone Road

WFT: Lion Mountain - Sklyes Lake Ln. Place

Raging River Loop

32.9 km | Intermediate | WFT: Lion Mountain - Sklyes Lake Ln.

Maunahui Road Place


6 km | Intermediate | Maunahui Road

Waikolu Overlook Place

Manastash Ridge Southside Ride

24.9 km | Intermediate | Waikolu Overlook

Eagle Camp Trail Place

White Reef Loop

6.6 km | Easy/Intermediate | Eagle Camp Trail

Idaho Trail Segment 17 Place

Raging Ridge Trail

9.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Idaho Trail Segment 17

Buff Meadow Place

Eastside Vista Descent

1.7 km | Intermediate | Buff Meadow

Fullen/San Domingo Loop Place


1.6 km | Difficult | Fullen/San Domingo Loop

FSR Place

Mount Umunhum Trail

6 km | Intermediate | FSR

Plantation Trail Place

Yo Vinny!

0.6 km | Very Difficult | Plantation Trail

WFT: Angry Beaver West Place

White Reef Trail

2.9 km | Easy | WFT: Angry Beaver West

Skulls Gap Trail Place

Mills River: Spencer & Fletcher

16.7 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Skulls Gap Trail

Gunslinger Loop B Place

Mostah Mills

28.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Gunslinger Loop B

Little Mare Trail Place

Spencer Branch to Fletcher Creek Loop

14.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Little Mare Trail

Sweetwater Trail L3 Place

Forest Service Trail 3016

9.2 km | Easy/Intermediate | Sweetwater Trail L3

Western Larch Place

Green’s Lick

3.1 km | Difficult | Western Larch

Murietta Juncal Road Place

Bent Creek Epicito

33.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Murietta Juncal Road

Hankey Mountain Road Place

Hardtrigger Canyon Loop

18.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Hankey Mountain Road

AZ Trail from Pistol Hill to Cmo Loma Alta via Hope Camp Place

Bearclaw, Stucki, Snakepit

29 km | Intermediate | AZ Trail from Pistol Hill to Cmo Loma Alta via Hope Camp

Cowpasture Trail Place


1.2 km | Intermediate | Cowpasture Trail

School House Gulch Place

Mayhem Trail (West)

2.8 km | Difficult | School House Gulch

Hough Springs Climb - M5 Place

Green’s Lick / Ingles Field Gap Loop

21.9 km | Difficult | Hough Springs Climb - M5

Pines Campground to Buck Meadows Place

Dino Cliffs

3.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Pines Campground to Buck Meadows

New San Juan Trail Place

Stanley Gap Ultra Loop

33.5 km | Difficult | New San Juan Trail

Buck Meadows, Lumsden Bridge and the Toulumne River Place

Sister Elsie Trail

3.4 km | Difficult | Buck Meadows, Lumsden Bridge and the Toulumne River

Blue Ridge Road FS-42 Place

Spencer Branch Trail

5 km | Difficult | Blue Ridge Road FS-42

120 Bypass Roads Place

Bent Creek Epicito v2

44.2 km | Difficult | 120 Bypass Roads

Park Des Families Bike Trail Place

Park Des Families Bike Trail

8.5 km | Easy | Park Des Families Bike Trail

Snake Bight Trail Place


0.9 km | Easy | Snake Bight Trail

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