Discover the Best Bike Trails in Tennessee

Explore the finest bike trails across Tennessee. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, there’s something for everyone!

Bike Trails by Difficulty

Intermediate Difficulty

Blue Trail

0.6 km | Intermediate | Little Annie Road

Red Trail

0.7 km | Intermediate | Dallas Trail

White Trail

3 km | Intermediate | Baker's Tank Trail

Horse Creek Jeep Trail

8 km | Intermediate | Jeep Trail to Lochard

Brown Gap Road (TN-FSR2250)

12.4 km | Intermediate | Idaho Centennial Trail

FS Rd 56A

1.7 km | Intermediate | Squaw Creek Trail

Lacy Trap

5.1 km | Intermediate | Indian Creek

Viking Mountain Road

11.3 km | Intermediate | Proverb Connecter

Firescald Road

3.8 km | Intermediate | Sweet Sweet Connie

Kennedy Cabin Road

1.1 km | Intermediate | Deerfield Trail Ride

Bitter End – Lacy Trap 293

12.3 km | Intermediate | Trout Creek Canyon


0.4 km | Intermediate | Socorro Singletrack

Robbins Hollow (TN-FSR405)

7.8 km | Intermediate | Caliente Ridge Trail

Flint Mill Gap Road 4202

4.9 km | Intermediate | Parrish Creek: Lower DH

Rich Mountain Look-Out (TN-FSR467A)

2.2 km | Intermediate | Desert Queen Mine Road

Middle Road (TN-FSR2251)

8.1 km | Intermediate | Odelle Road

Dogwood Bench Road (FS Road

11.6 km | Intermediate | Bell Ridge

Wolf Creek (TN-FSR96)

9.8 km | Intermediate | Ridge

Briar Creek Road (FS 188)

8.9 km | Intermediate | FS Road

Rye Patch Trail

5.3 km | Intermediate | Sweetwater Trail Loop

Easy/Intermediate Difficulty

Wolf River Trails (WRT)

20.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | La Plata Canyon

Higgins Ridge Detour

2.9 km | Easy/Intermediate | Spring Pond Loop: North

Intermediate/Difficult Difficulty

Panhandle Road 202/FS Road 56

12.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Grandmother Mountain Loop

Birchfield Lake Lollipop

20.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Potts Creek Trail

Holston Mountain West

3.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Gramont Peak Out-and-Back

Flint Rock Overlook Loop

11.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | FS Road 22

Greene Mountain Loop

17.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Little Slate Creek

Blockstand Creek Loop

19.7 km | Intermediate/Difficult | AZT Segment 5 Loop

Bartee Branch Trail

4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Lower Gnomon

Blockstand Creek Trail

6.8 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Grapevine Canyon

Flint Mill Trail

0.7 km | Intermediate/Difficult | AZT: Alamo Canyon - Passage 17

FS Road 5081

8.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Indian Truck Trail

Difficult Difficulty

Birchfield Camp Trail

4.5 km | Difficult | Rock Island Trail

Chestnut Flats Loops

24.1 km | Difficult | Four Hills Route 66 Trail

Furnace Branch Trail

1.4 km | Difficult | Smythe Creek Trail

Bartee Branch Loop

31.4 km | Difficult | Horse Springs Out-and-Back

Morrell Trail

3.5 km | Difficult | Deer Creek Trail

Greene Mountain Horse Trail

5.8 km | Difficult | Bear Mountain Figure 8

Rye Patch Trail

6.7 km | Difficult | Kaysville Bonneville Shoreline

McQueen Knob (FS Road

10.8 km | Difficult | Power Line Plunge

Chestnut Flats Connector

1.8 km | Difficult | Reddish Knob to Wild Oak: Chestnut & Grindstone Ridge Shuttle

Buffalo Mountain Fire Tower

21.7 km | Difficult | West Horsethief Trail

Buffalo Mountain Dirt Church (Pinnacle Side)

38 km | Difficult | South Fork Trail

Old Dug Trail

4.9 km | Difficult | FS 176

Longest Bike Trails

0.6 Trail Length

Blue Trail

0.6 km | Intermediate | Little Annie Road

20.7 Trail Length

Wolf River Trails (WRT)

20.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | La Plata Canyon

0.7 Trail Length

Red Trail

0.7 km | Intermediate | Dallas Trail

Flint Mill Trail

0.7 km | Intermediate/Difficult | AZT: Alamo Canyon - Passage 17

3 Trail Length

White Trail

3 km | Intermediate | Baker's Tank Trail

8 Trail Length

Horse Creek Jeep Trail

8 km | Intermediate | Jeep Trail to Lochard

12.6 Trail Length

Panhandle Road 202/FS Road 56

12.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Grandmother Mountain Loop

20.5 Trail Length

Birchfield Lake Lollipop

20.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Potts Creek Trail

4.5 Trail Length

Birchfield Camp Trail

4.5 km | Difficult | Rock Island Trail

12.4 Trail Length

Brown Gap Road (TN-FSR2250)

12.4 km | Intermediate | Idaho Centennial Trail

2.9 Trail Length

Higgins Ridge Detour

2.9 km | Easy/Intermediate | Spring Pond Loop: North

3.2 Trail Length

Holston Mountain West

3.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Gramont Peak Out-and-Back

24.1 Trail Length

Chestnut Flats Loops

24.1 km | Difficult | Four Hills Route 66 Trail

1.4 Trail Length

Furnace Branch Trail

1.4 km | Difficult | Smythe Creek Trail

31.4 Trail Length

Bartee Branch Loop

31.4 km | Difficult | Horse Springs Out-and-Back

11.6 Trail Length

Flint Rock Overlook Loop

11.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | FS Road 22

Dogwood Bench Road (FS Road

11.6 km | Intermediate | Bell Ridge

1.7 Trail Length

FS Rd 56A

1.7 km | Intermediate | Squaw Creek Trail

3.5 Trail Length

Morrell Trail

3.5 km | Difficult | Deer Creek Trail

5.1 Trail Length

Lacy Trap

5.1 km | Intermediate | Indian Creek

11.3 Trail Length

Viking Mountain Road

11.3 km | Intermediate | Proverb Connecter

3.8 Trail Length

Firescald Road

3.8 km | Intermediate | Sweet Sweet Connie

5.8 Trail Length

Greene Mountain Horse Trail

5.8 km | Difficult | Bear Mountain Figure 8

17.4 Trail Length

Greene Mountain Loop

17.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Little Slate Creek

6.7 Trail Length

Rye Patch Trail

6.7 km | Difficult | Kaysville Bonneville Shoreline

1.1 Trail Length

Kennedy Cabin Road

1.1 km | Intermediate | Deerfield Trail Ride

12.3 Trail Length

Bitter End – Lacy Trap 293

12.3 km | Intermediate | Trout Creek Canyon

0.4 Trail Length


0.4 km | Intermediate | Socorro Singletrack

7.8 Trail Length

Robbins Hollow (TN-FSR405)

7.8 km | Intermediate | Caliente Ridge Trail

19.7 Trail Length

Blockstand Creek Loop

19.7 km | Intermediate/Difficult | AZT Segment 5 Loop

4 Trail Length

Bartee Branch Trail

4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Lower Gnomon

4.9 Trail Length

Flint Mill Gap Road 4202

4.9 km | Intermediate | Parrish Creek: Lower DH

Old Dug Trail

4.9 km | Difficult | FS 176

10.8 Trail Length

McQueen Knob (FS Road

10.8 km | Difficult | Power Line Plunge

2.2 Trail Length

Rich Mountain Look-Out (TN-FSR467A)

2.2 km | Intermediate | Desert Queen Mine Road

8.1 Trail Length

Middle Road (TN-FSR2251)

8.1 km | Intermediate | Odelle Road

9.8 Trail Length

Wolf Creek (TN-FSR96)

9.8 km | Intermediate | Ridge

1.8 Trail Length

Chestnut Flats Connector

1.8 km | Difficult | Reddish Knob to Wild Oak: Chestnut & Grindstone Ridge Shuttle

21.7 Trail Length

Buffalo Mountain Fire Tower

21.7 km | Difficult | West Horsethief Trail

8.9 Trail Length

Briar Creek Road (FS 188)

8.9 km | Intermediate | FS Road

FS Road 5081

8.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Indian Truck Trail

6.8 Trail Length

Blockstand Creek Trail

6.8 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Grapevine Canyon

38 Trail Length

Buffalo Mountain Dirt Church (Pinnacle Side)

38 km | Difficult | South Fork Trail

5.3 Trail Length

Rye Patch Trail

5.3 km | Intermediate | Sweetwater Trail Loop

Bike Trails by Location

Little Annie Road Place

Blue Trail

0.6 km | Intermediate | Little Annie Road

La Plata Canyon Place

Wolf River Trails (WRT)

20.7 km | Easy/Intermediate | La Plata Canyon

Dallas Trail Place

Red Trail

0.7 km | Intermediate | Dallas Trail

Baker's Tank Trail Place

White Trail

3 km | Intermediate | Baker's Tank Trail

Jeep Trail to Lochard Place

Horse Creek Jeep Trail

8 km | Intermediate | Jeep Trail to Lochard

Grandmother Mountain Loop Place

Panhandle Road 202/FS Road 56

12.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Grandmother Mountain Loop

Potts Creek Trail Place

Birchfield Lake Lollipop

20.5 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Potts Creek Trail

Rock Island Trail Place

Birchfield Camp Trail

4.5 km | Difficult | Rock Island Trail

Idaho Centennial Trail Place

Brown Gap Road (TN-FSR2250)

12.4 km | Intermediate | Idaho Centennial Trail

Spring Pond Loop: North Place

Higgins Ridge Detour

2.9 km | Easy/Intermediate | Spring Pond Loop: North

Gramont Peak Out-and-Back Place

Holston Mountain West

3.2 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Gramont Peak Out-and-Back

Four Hills Route 66 Trail Place

Chestnut Flats Loops

24.1 km | Difficult | Four Hills Route 66 Trail

Smythe Creek Trail Place

Furnace Branch Trail

1.4 km | Difficult | Smythe Creek Trail

Horse Springs Out-and-Back Place

Bartee Branch Loop

31.4 km | Difficult | Horse Springs Out-and-Back

FS Road 22 Place

Flint Rock Overlook Loop

11.6 km | Intermediate/Difficult | FS Road 22

Squaw Creek Trail Place

FS Rd 56A

1.7 km | Intermediate | Squaw Creek Trail

Deer Creek Trail Place

Morrell Trail

3.5 km | Difficult | Deer Creek Trail

Indian Creek Place

Lacy Trap

5.1 km | Intermediate | Indian Creek

Proverb Connecter Place

Viking Mountain Road

11.3 km | Intermediate | Proverb Connecter

Sweet Sweet Connie Place

Firescald Road

3.8 km | Intermediate | Sweet Sweet Connie

Bear Mountain Figure 8 Place

Greene Mountain Horse Trail

5.8 km | Difficult | Bear Mountain Figure 8

Little Slate Creek Place

Greene Mountain Loop

17.4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Little Slate Creek

Kaysville Bonneville Shoreline Place

Rye Patch Trail

6.7 km | Difficult | Kaysville Bonneville Shoreline

Deerfield Trail Ride Place

Kennedy Cabin Road

1.1 km | Intermediate | Deerfield Trail Ride

Trout Creek Canyon Place

Bitter End – Lacy Trap 293

12.3 km | Intermediate | Trout Creek Canyon

Socorro Singletrack Place


0.4 km | Intermediate | Socorro Singletrack

Caliente Ridge Trail Place

Robbins Hollow (TN-FSR405)

7.8 km | Intermediate | Caliente Ridge Trail

AZT Segment 5 Loop Place

Blockstand Creek Loop

19.7 km | Intermediate/Difficult | AZT Segment 5 Loop

Lower Gnomon Place

Bartee Branch Trail

4 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Lower Gnomon

Parrish Creek: Lower DH Place

Flint Mill Gap Road 4202

4.9 km | Intermediate | Parrish Creek: Lower DH

Power Line Plunge Place

McQueen Knob (FS Road

10.8 km | Difficult | Power Line Plunge

Desert Queen Mine Road Place

Rich Mountain Look-Out (TN-FSR467A)

2.2 km | Intermediate | Desert Queen Mine Road

Odelle Road Place

Middle Road (TN-FSR2251)

8.1 km | Intermediate | Odelle Road

Bell Ridge Place

Dogwood Bench Road (FS Road

11.6 km | Intermediate | Bell Ridge

Ridge Place

Wolf Creek (TN-FSR96)

9.8 km | Intermediate | Ridge

Reddish Knob to Wild Oak: Chestnut & Grindstone Ridge Shuttle Place

Chestnut Flats Connector

1.8 km | Difficult | Reddish Knob to Wild Oak: Chestnut & Grindstone Ridge Shuttle

West Horsethief Trail Place

Buffalo Mountain Fire Tower

21.7 km | Difficult | West Horsethief Trail

FS Road Place

Briar Creek Road (FS 188)

8.9 km | Intermediate | FS Road

Grapevine Canyon Place

Blockstand Creek Trail

6.8 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Grapevine Canyon

South Fork Trail Place

Buffalo Mountain Dirt Church (Pinnacle Side)

38 km | Difficult | South Fork Trail

AZT: Alamo Canyon - Passage 17 Place

Flint Mill Trail

0.7 km | Intermediate/Difficult | AZT: Alamo Canyon - Passage 17

Indian Truck Trail Place

FS Road 5081

8.9 km | Intermediate/Difficult | Indian Truck Trail

Sweetwater Trail Loop Place

Rye Patch Trail

5.3 km | Intermediate | Sweetwater Trail Loop

FS 176 Place

Old Dug Trail

4.9 km | Difficult | FS 176

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